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Read Patti’s blog, “Exploding the Paradigm”
Here are a few choice words from Patti’s articles and interviews:
“Whether school boards, nonprofits, or mayors run the system, it is still ‘the system,’ impervious to our efforts, deaf to our pleas for real change.”
“How can we complain about the superficiality of popular culture when we have created it by allowing a school culture of multiple-choice and yes/no answers?”
“Why not have charter districts, where the rules are lifted for two years while reorganization, downsizing of the administrative hierarchy, and reinvestment of resources into smaller, more personalized, and more collaborative environments for all kids and teachers takes place?”
“Those of us in education used to talk timidly of a ‘paradigm shift’ as a way of meeting the needs of a new generation of students ... Now it’s going to take a great explosion of our current paradigm ... to move public education forward.” |